Head office Lucerne by night


CSS can look back on 125 years of experience. When it comes to their health, more than 1.75 million people place their trust in the CSS Group.

What is CSS?

The CSS Group was founded in 1899 and has its headquarters in Lucerne. Drawing on its long and proud tradition, the company is now one of Switzerland's leading health and property insurers. It is the market leader in basic insurance. CSS produces information that provides its clients with guidance and support in making decisions regarding health and healthcare.

How we’re organised

Our vision

We accompany our clients on their personal journey.
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The CSS brand

CSS is a strong brand in the Swiss healthcare system.
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CSS Group

Several companies make up the CSS Group.
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CSS Management

The Board of Directors and Corporate Executive Committee lead CSS.
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CSS Association

The CSS Association is the sole shareholder of the CSS Group.
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How did CSS become market leader?

In 1947, the number of persons insured with CSS reached 200,000 for the first time; in 1987, the company passed the one-million-client milestone. CSS acquired the customers and staff of the Accorda general health insurance company in 2004 and founded Arcosana. In 2005, Auxilia Kranken-Versicherung AG became part of the CSS Group, followed three years later by INTRAS Kranken-Versicherung AG. In 2020, the subsidiary Sanagate AG was also merged more closely with the Group at the organisational level. As of 1 January 2022, adjustments were made to the Group structure. As providers of basic insurance, the companies Intras and Sanagate merged with Arcosana. One year later Arcosana AG itself merged with CSS Kranken-Versicherung AG.

CSS Insurance is now called CSS

Since the spring of 2022, CSS has been using a new logo and has dropped the word "Insurance" from its name. Some years ago, CSS was the first health insurer in the Swiss healthcare market to change its role from just being a paying agent to offering holistic support to its clients. CSS wants to help them stay healthy, become healthy or live with illness. The word "Insurance" no longer lives up to this ambition.

The Number 1

CSS Group

The CSS Group insures more than 1.75 million people and is one of Switzerland's leading health, accident and property insurers. It is the market leader in basic insurance. With 101 agencies and around 2,800 employees, the CSS Group is close to its customers throughout Switzerland.

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Your health partner

As a health partner, we are committed to leading a healthy life, actively taking steps to regain one's health and developing a mindful approach to illness.

Being healthy

We help our clients find and maintain their balance, physically and mentally.
For a healthy life

Becoming healthy

We help anyone who is ill or has medical questions to find their way through the maze and quickly get the answers they need.
Steps to getting healthy

Living with illness

We have additional offers that encourage a mindful approach to chronic diseases.
Coping with illness