
Delegates of the CSS Association

The CSS Association’s 40-strong Assembly of Delegates represents the shareholders of CSS Holding. Its responsibilities include nominating members of the Board of Directors.

What is the Assembly of Delegates?

The Assembly of Delegates of the CSS Association is the supreme governing body of CSS. As an association, CSS is a non-listed holding company under Swiss company law. The CSS Association is the sole shareholder of CSS Holding AG, and the delegates represent the Association’s members. The Assembly consists of 40 delegates. Each canton is entitled to at least one seat. The remaining seats are distributed among the cantons and half-cantons in accordance with how many Association members they have.

What tasks does the As­sembly of Delegates have?

The delegates elect the Board of Directors and its Chair for a term of four years at a time. They also exercise the CSS Association’s voting right at the Annual General Meeting of CSS Holding and pass resolutions. In addition, the Assembly of Delegates lays down the principles underpinning the company philosophy and is responsible for the articles of association and the rules of procedure. It also approves the annual report and the annual accounts, decides on the discharge of the Board of Directors and determines delegate compensation.

How are delegates elected?

Delegates are elected by ballot or by tacit election. Potential candidates must be members of the CSS Association. The Election Committee reviews the nominations and publishes the names of the approved candidates in the CSS client magazine. If no further candidacies are announced by the given deadline, the candidates presented in the client magazine are deemed to have been elected by tacit consent.

No more than four full terms of office

Delegates can be elected for a maximum of four full terms of office. A term of office lasts four years. If a delegate ceases to live in the canton they represent, they automatically lose their seat in the Assembly.

The delegates

  • Vera Duarte (Ct. AG)
  • Beat Erzer (Ct. AG)
  • Andrea Zehnder-Zehnder (Ct. AG)
  • Mauricia Manser-Koller (Ct. AI)
  • Oliver Brosch (Ct. AR)
  • Daniel Christen (Ct. BE)
  • Fredy Eggenschwiler (Ct. BL)
  • Renate Burri (Ct. BS)
  • Claude Baechler (Ct. FR)
  • Rita Binz-Wohlhauser (Ct. FR)
  • Gil Menétrey (Ct. FR)
  • Scheherazade Fischberg (Ct. GE)
  • Carmen Gallati (Ct. GL)
  • Roger Tuor (Ct. GR)
  • Hélène Kassis (Ct. JU)
  • Hans Bucher (Ct. LU)
  • Michèle Bucher (Ct. LU)
  • Hedy Eggerschwiler-Bättig (Ct. LU)
  • Philipp Rebsamen (Ct. LU)
  • Yvon Jeanbourquin (Ct. NE)
  • Lisbeth Näpflin-Niederberger (Ct. NW)
  • Jolanda Vogler (Ct. OW)
  • Jürg Kalberer (Ct. SG)
  • Silvana Hasler (Ct. SG)
  • Brigitte Lüchinger (Ct. SG)
  • vacancy (Ct. SH)
  • Hubert Bläsi (Ct. SO)
  • Thomas Marbet (Ct. SO)
  • Marcel May (Ct. SZ)
  • Othmar Suter (Ct. SZ)
  • Jakob Zähner (Ct. TG)
  • Michele Andina (Ct. TI)
  • Iwan Imholz (Ct. UR)
  • Antoine Cottier (Ct. VD)
  • Stefanie Kämpfen (Ct. VS)
  • Doris Monnier (Ct. VS)
  • Irene Iten-Muff (Ct. ZG)
  • Thomas Lauber (Ct. ZH)
  • Monika Roth (Ct. ZH)
  • Dominik Zehnder (Ct. ZH)