Buckhorn plantain cough syrup

Required material

50 g dried buckhorn plantain (easy to collect and dry yourself)

1 litre water

300 g honey

1 dark bottle


If you have a cold with coughing, buckhorn plantain can promote the production of sputum, loosen phlegm and prevent inflammation.

To make the syrup, add about 50 grams of buckhorn plantain to 1 litre of water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

Strain, then simmer the water until it is reduced by half. Now add 300 g of honey, pour the syrup into bottles (preferably dark glass) and store in the fridge.

1 tablespoon of the syrup can be taken up to 3 times a day, as needed. Finished products are available from pharmacies and drug stores.


Buckhorn plantain cough syrup can have the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Decongestant
  • Expectorant
  • Strengthens the immune system

Helps against

Coughing, phlegm


buckhorn plantain cough syrup, ribwort plantain cough syrup, cough syrup with buckhorn plantain, cough syrup with ribwort plantain

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CSS offers no guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information. The information published is no substitute for professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist.

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