What does CSS pay?

Have you ever asked yourself whether or not your insurance covers a particular benefit? From A for acupuncture to Z for the Zilgrei method – find out what CSS pays.

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Check benefits with myCSS

  • You see straight away what benefits you are entitled to.
  • Your maximum retention fee is set out clearly.
  • Recognised providers and therapists in your local area are displayed.
  • Potential gaps in cover are indicated.
  • Everything you can do with myCSS is even easier with the myCSS app.

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Yoga group in the middle of which a participant smiles warmly.


What CSS pays towards fitness centre and group courses.

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Badezimmerschrank mit Brille und Badezubehör

Glasses & contact lenses

Find out what amount CSS covers for you.

What we pay
Young woman with backpack looking down from cliffs on sea bay

Insurance cover for travellers

Find out how to get optimum protection worldwide.

Protected abroad
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Benefits under basic insurance

All health insurers pay the same benefits for illness, accident and maternity.

Benefits: Maternity

All health insurers offer the same maternity benefits under basic insurance. Take out supplementary insurance to ensure you enjoy even more cover.

Benefits under supple­mentary insurance

Each health insurer pays different benefits under supplementary insurance. You can see exactly what CSS pays in the overview of benefits for each type of supplementary insurance.

Woman doing arm crook training at home in living room with the help of a chair.

Up to CHF 1,200 for you.

We pay a share of the cost of many activities related to health, prevention and well-being.

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