Patient with crutches

Medical aids

CSS pays a share of the cost of medical aids. That includes compression stockings, blood sugar monitors, walking aids, bladder control products and much more.

Basic insurance pays for these aids

Medical aids serve either to treat or to investigate an illness and its consequences, and are also known as 'aids and appliances'.

Your doctor can inform you about cost coverage of the required aid. The aids and appliances list (MiGeL) compiled by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) sets out how much basic insurance pays.

Hearing aids and orthopaedic shoes

Federal disability insurance (IV) and Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (AHV) also cover some of the cost of custom-made orthopaedic footwear and hearing aids. If neither of these social insurance schemes covers any costs, then you'll receive a payment under the terms and conditions of basic insurance and the conditions that apply to the aids and appliances list.

What supplementary insurance covers

Supplementary insurance pays a share of the cost if the aid has been prescribed by a doctor and basic insurance does not cover or only partly covers the cost. The range of aids and the maximum amounts paid are set out in CSS's own list of aids. For example, myFlex Balance Outpatient Insurance pays 90%, capped at CHF 1,000 per calendar year.