Ein älterer Mann sitzt mit Medikamenten am Küchentisch und liest am Laptop etwas.

Take medication properly with Medi+

Taking medication properly is important to the success of the therapy. Digital medication manager Medi+ can help you get it right.

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The advantages for you

  • Take medication properly with the schedule and reminder function.
  • The calculator shows you how much you can save by using generics.
  • Order repeat prescriptions and request medication conveniently online.
  • Medi+ from Zur Rose lets you keep track of your medication and prescriptions.
  • The Zur Rose online pharmacy delivers your medication to your door, free of charge.

Medi+ at a glance

Who’s it for

The offer is designed for people who regularly take medication.

Free for insured persons

The Medi+ digital service is free for everyone who has basic insurance with CSS.


Your orders are double-checked by the pharmacy team.

No substitute for a doctor

Medi+ complements your doctor’s advice, but is not intended as a substitute.

How Medi+ works

Medi+ is a digital assistant operated by our partner Zur Rose. Medi+ lets you keep track of all your medication – no matter where you get it from. You can use Medi+ on your computer or on your mobile phone as an app. Medi+ features a number of digital services that help you manage your medication.

Medication schedule with reminder

Medi+ makes managing your medication easy. Enter your medication in the schedule and receive reminders via SMS, email or app. You can use Medi+ on your computer or in the Zur Rose app.

Medi+ with schedule & reminder
Take medication properly with the schedule and reminder function.

Save money with the generics calculator

The calculator shows how much you can save by using generics. Enter your medication in the overview and find out how much you could save. Switching to generics eats up less of your deductible and lowers your retention fee.

Easily request prescriptions

With Medi+ you can request repeat prescriptions online – directly from your doctor's practice. You are free to decide in what form to get your prescription and where to buy your medication.

Get medication

Do you normally get your medication directly from your medical practice? Save time by requesting your medication directly from your doctor's practice online. You can then pick it up when you're ready.

Sign up for Medi+

  1. Create a personal Zur Rose customer account or log in to your existing account.
  2. Add your insurance data to your profile and select CSS as health insurer.
  3. Swipe to activate Medi+ and make the most of the many advantages.

The offer is only available in German, French and Italian.

Frequently asked questions

Medi+ is a digital medication manager that helps you track your medication and plan when to take it. You can use the Medi+ online service anytime, anywhere, and it's also available as an app.

CSS believes everyone should have access to high-quality healthcare delivery. Medi+ helps our clients achieve that.

To use Medi+, you must have basic insurance from CSS and a customer account with Zur Rose.

Yes. Your data is secure with Medi+. CSS cannot access your data without your consent.

Medi+ is a service offered by Zur Rose. CSS and Zur Rose work in partnership. Zur Rose is responsible for the content on Medi+.

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