Nadja Hegglin

Nadja Hegglin


Diese Tipps helfen gegen Verstopfung

The right diet, more exercise and less stress can help.

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Intermittierendes Fasten
Intermittent fasting

With a personal fasting pattern, losing weight the healthy way is easier.

Know the methods
Lactose intolerance

How to recognise an intolerance and what to do about it.

To the tips
Prevent falls

Eliminate tripping hazards. We have everyday tips and easy exercises for you.

Here's how
Grippe: Tipps gegen Ansteckung in der Familie
Flu in the family

Children spread viruses particularly quickly and can often infect the whole family.

Stay healthy
Sun allergy

A burning and nasty rash after sunbathing. These are the causes.

Read the tips
Successful fasting

With instructions from start to finish: a guide on how to fast successfully.

4 phases of fasting
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